Kosher, what is it ?

What products can be Kosher certified ?
- A wide variety of products : wines and spirits, breads, bakery products, cookies, confectionery, meat and cold cuts, dairy products, canned food, frozen foods, etc.
- But also : additives, preservatives, colorants, flavors ...
Kashrut is a set of dietary laws prescribed to people of Israelite faith. It includes the criteria defining whether or not a food is suitable for consumption, as well as the laws allowing them to be prepared or made suitable for consumption.
A food in accordance with Kashrut is Kosher, meaning it is "fit" for consumption.
Kosher, the basics-
All animal species (as well as their eggs or milk) are not allowed for consumption. The criteria for distinguishing between Kosher and non-Kosher animals are specified in the Torah.
Mammals |
Beef Deer Goat Sheep |
Horse Rabbit Pork Boar |
Poultry |
Domestic varieties : Duck Turkey Goose Chicken |
Raptors and scavengers: Ostrich Stork Hawk Swallow |
Reptiles, amphibians, worms and insects | With the exception of a few grasshoppers, they are not Kosher |
Fish that are not in this list are not Kosher :
- Bleak
- Haddock
- Yellowfin
- Shad
- Anchovy
- Atherine
- Bar
- Barbel or Barbot
- Brill (the Turbot is prohibited)
- Beryx
- Bug
- Bonito
- Bream
- Pike
- Cod
- Capelan
- Captain
- Carp (Leather Carp is prohibited)
- Mirror carp (check for scales)
- Carpion
- Carrelet
- Horse mackerel
- Colin
- Colinot
- Sea bream (gray, pink, royal or redfish)
- Haddock
- Smelt
- Emperor
- Flounder
- Halibut
- Gardon or Rosse
- Albacore or White tuna
- Stud
- Grenadier
- Gurnard
- Herring
- Hocki
- Julienne
- Lich
- Location
- Dab
- Dab-Sole
- Dab-plaice
- Ling
- Wolf (Wolf's Fillet and Sea Bass are prohibited)
- Mackerel
- Whiting
- Hake or Hake
- Merluchon
- Grouper
- Cod
- Mostelle
- Mulet or Muge
- Ombrine
- Garfish
- Pageot
- Pagre
- Bigeye tuna
- Perch
- Plaice
- Priest
- Rascasse
- Red mullet
- Saint Pierre (only freshwater!)
- Pike perch
- Golden Sar or Sargue
- Sardine
- Salmon (Salmonette is prohibited)
- Sole
- Sprat
- Pout
- Tench
- Tuna
- Trout
- Salmon trout
- Véron
- Old
- Snapper
- Long Live or Sea Dragon
Milk and meat do not mix in any way: different utensils are used for their preparation and consumption. In addition, there is an interval of several hours between the consumption of meat and milk.
Animals must be slaughtered according to a specific and painless procedure: the Che'hita. The blood and certain parts (kidneys, intestines, sciatic nerve, etc.) of the animal must also be removed.
Insect-free fruits, vegetables and grains are of Kosher origin. Processing these often requires Kosher certification.
Wine and grape juice must be subject to specific certification.
Although bees are not Kosher animals, honey is not considered an animal product and is therefore Kosher.

Kosher food categories
Kosher food is divided into three categories :
- Meat : it includes the meat or bones of mammals or poultry, broths or sauces that contain it
- Milk / Dairy: it includes milk from Kosher animals and all the dairy products of which it is the basis (cream, butter, cheese, etc.)
- Pareve : Pareve foods can be mixed and consumed with both “meat” foods and “milk” foods. Kosher animal eggs, fruits, vegetables and grains are for example pareve.
Preparing Kosher food well
A tiny amount of a non-Kosher substance will make the whole food non-Kosher. Therefore, one cannot just buy Kosher food. Cooking, utensils and dishes must also be.
We will therefore use separate dishes for the preparation and consumption of meat or milk : cutlery, dishes, plates, pots, stoves, worktops and tablecloths are no exception to the rule.

Kosher certification is essential !
Current agrifood technologies are complex: only an expert can determine if an industrially produced food is devoid of any trace of non-Kosher ingredients. To be Kosher recognized, manufactured foods must be certified by a reliable Kosher oversight agency.
Choosing Kosher Strasbourg for your Kosher certification means choosing trust, reliability and quality !