Choosing a kashrut organism

No serious Kosher organization will issue a certification based on the simple faith of the information provided by your establishment. Indeed, a certification "on the confidence" will not be judged as being valid neither by the other certification agencies, nor by the consumers.
A rigorous Kosher certification agency will require monitoring of recipes and product manufacturing processes, information on the origin of ingredients, inspection of the production site and equipment ... Without this list being exhaustive !
Choosing a Kosher certification agency is as important as a business or marketing strategy : how do you find the one that best meets your business needs ?
In order to save your business an unpleasant and costly experience, here are some specific factors to consider when looking for Kosher certification :
- Knowledge
Find out about the organization's knowledge of your market, product or service. - Experience
Is the organization able to meet your needs and the many challenges that may arise ? Will it be able to react in case of emergency ? - Reputation
Examine the reputation of the certification agency among consumers and other higher certification organizations by asking them to share their experiences. - Integrity
Avoid an agency looking for shortcuts. If a supervising rabbi dismisses your concerns without providing you with a satisfactory job, we suggest you look elsewhere. - Fee Structure
Make sure you fully understand your organization's fee structure : audit fees, annual fixed charges, travel costs... Also discuss the associated costs that meet your needs.
What factors affect the annual amount of Kosher certification ?
- The location of your manufacturing site and packaging facilities ;
- The existence or not of a dedicated installation for these products or, where applicable, the use of a contract manufacturer ;
- The ingredients and technological manufacturing processes used in your products.
In order to accurately assess certification costs, it is essential to carry out a preliminary study of your environment.
With Kosher Strasbourg, you can benefit from a free feasibility study. Do not hesitate to contact us for any information, our team of experts is at your disposal.