Our certification agency
Kashrut, Kosher, what does that mean ?

Kashrut is a set of dietary laws prescribed to people of Israelite faith. It includes the criteria defining whether or not a food is suitable for consumption, as well as the laws allowing them to be prepared or made suitable for consumption.
The Strasbourg Beth Din is part of the Israelite Consistory of Bas-Rhin, a true partner in the Israelite life. It is the competent religious entity in matters of Kashrut.
For more information on Kashrut, visit our page « Kosher, what is it ? »
Our missions
The vocation of Strasbourg Beth Din and Kosher Strasbourg certification agency is to facilitate consumption of Kosher products by certifying and promoting establishments that comply with Kosher regulations.
Our agency has been active for more than a century. It stands alongside food industry manufacturers to help them develop products in line with an international Kosher regulatory standard.
Kosher Strasbourg works both at the food establishment and at the consumer level, by making this establishment’s products known to the public on the one hand through communication and the KS - Kosher Strasbourg label, and on the other hand by facilitating consumption of Kosher food for consumers.

Each product is examined from its raw materials to the end of the manufacturing process to ensure that it can be certified Kosher. Several suppliers may therefore be affected by this validation. When the validation process is complete, the KS label will appear on the product packaging. The reputation of Strasbourg Beth Din is a guarantee of trust, quality and reliability.

For Kosher Strasbourg, confidentiality and discretion are not optional.
You have certainly invested time and resources to set up your manufacturing processes or your composition, it is your know-how !
We want to protect it without compromise. Kosher Strasbourg is the guarantee of total confidentiality and security of your information.
Kosher Strasbourg will never communicate, disclose or use any trade secrets, secret formulas or processes used by your company which may have been communicated by virtue of their application.
Our agency is committed to protecting your privacy even without signing a contract.
Our agency is committed to protecting your privacy even without signing a contract.
Please do not hesitate to consult us to learn more about our privacy policy.
KS Internationnal / AKO
Since 2019, Kosher Strasbourg is a member of AKO (Association of Kashrus Organizations)
AKO aims to bring together many Kosher certification agencies around the world and share the same goal : offering products that meet the highest standards of Kashrut.
Kosher Strasbourg’s membership in AKO is a guarantee of excellence : the value of our certificates is equal to those of major American agencies !

Our team
In order to carry out Kosher Strasbourg's missions, a dynamic, competent and passionate team is at work for you !

Grand Rabbin Harold Abraham WEILL
Chief Rabbi of Strasbourg and Bas-Rhin
Rabbin Michaël SZMERLA
Dayan Av Beth-DinDirector of Strasbourg Beth Din

Secretary General of the Israelite Consistory of Bas-RhinDirector of Strasbourg Beth Din

Rabbin Mendel SAMAMA
Director of development
Field team coordinatorKS'certifications manager

Rabbin Gad SEBBAG
Field team coordinator